Sunday, April 21, 2013

SHAVE IT (Short)


Its been a while since I have previewed or even a reviewed a short on for all you that enjoy the world of the shorts, I do apologize!

But to make up for it, I’m bringing a little preview of a wonderful short film called SHAVE IT.

The film really is beautifully animated with crisp visuals and glorious details to its most radiant and colorful world. Its really easy to get caught up in the world within the first few seconds of the video as it dances to your senses and overflows in abundance of creativity and innovation that’s it makes it extremely hard for anybody not to be mesmerized by it.

The films plot is as follows: In the wilderness of the forests where giant bulldozers are tearing apart the woods there is a monkey that accidentally finds a shaving machine and decides to use it. Spontaneously disguised as a human being, he moves out to the city and starts a career. After a stunning success in business, he understands the need of gaining political power. Not too long after, he becomes the president. Now he is ready to make a change.

Aside from being a visual pleasure this short is immensely entertaining and fun. If you don’t believe check the video out for yourself below and remember to tell your friends about it as well


For us, it’s an ironic reflection about how nature adapts to the human invasion. We found a great inspiration in an Amazonian bird, the Lira, which imitates the sounds it hears in the environment. It does it with such a lack of criticism or judgment that it imitates the other birds singing, the power saws noise or the crash of the trees falling in the same way. We must admit that part of the credits should go to Nahuel, a friend of us that shaves his arms in laughable ways.
We watched the monkey’s behaviour and the way they move, first in the zoos, then there was a trip to the Amazonian jungle and finally some actors friends, the monkey’s acting is the result of all this together.

Regarding aesthetics, we wanted to choose the way of maximum expression possible, trying to get over the technique. In a free mix of 3D and 2D animation, saturated and live colours we found a harmony that reflects the nature’s freedom and that even loses its’ respect.


Fernando Maldonado was born in 1978, in San Juan, Argentina. Since very young he developed in visual arts and music. He studied the Visual Arts career in the
U.N.S.J and he were trained in 3D animation by self-education. His Fi­rst short ­lm “La mezcla”, directed with Lucas Aguirre was awarded by Telefe Cortos ­first edition (2004) and was selected by Mar del Plata Film festival (2005). Then he moved to Cordoba city, where he lived for 2 years, working in audiovisual production companies and on his own. He lives in Buenos Aires since 2008 and works as Director of animation at 3Dar Studios.

Jorge Tereso was born in 1984, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A year later he moved to Siria and he would keep moving until 17 when he returned to Argentina to begin with his studies. As he did not fi­nd any career that could match with his interests, he continued with his self-education with Internet help. In 2003 he became part of 3Dar, a 3D animation studio that was giving its’
­First steps.

For more Information don’t hesitate to check out

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