Friday, January 13, 2012



There has rarely been a franchise in Hollywood that managed to keep on getting better with each passing film, yet Mission Impossible is such a franchise.

With the release of the first film, now in this ever expanding franchise, back in 1994, nobody really for saw that, that first film will launch what would become a credible franchise.

The Franchise would not only push Tom Cruise into a true action hero, but would also be a testament to what action thrillers should be.

Check out the Trailer for the First film Here

The first film was more a spy film than a real thriller but this film provided the basis for what a MI film should be and would be in the for coming future. But yet, it wasn’t anywhere close to a classic, however it’s still a good film.

Check out the Trailer for the Second film here

The second film was really an all-out action film, which very much went with the big explosions and big stunts that was in fashion at the time. It’s probably the weakest film in the franchise yet, you will still like that absurd and action scenes.

Check out the Trailer for the Third Film Here

The third film however was the real jewel of three so far, as it proves to be one of thee most suspense driven, action film that we would witness as an audience. With the audience being captivated in the film from beginning to end, it was pretty hard seeing how this film could be topped.

However as the series proved so far, in theory the fourth film should be better than the last, but with the third being so good it was really hard to imagine that it could!

Yet it was... The fourth film was a lot more fun captivating and kept us on our toes with the story not going the way we expect a MI film to go by now!

Check out the Trailer for Ghost Protocol now

And with the success at the box office proving to be a real hit with audiences as well as critics, it would only make sense to gets fifth film into production and that’s exactly what the studio execs are thinking!

So we were thinking what would have to be done for a fifth film to be even better than this one and can it be done? We not so sure about that but with Brad Bird directing and JJ Abrams and Tom Cruise producing we could expect another big action thriller.

One aspect that really worked extremely well for this last film was the shift from Ethan Hunt, played by Tom, as your sole protagonist to him dissipating responsibility to his team, which included Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner and Paula Patton. Unlike the previous  films, this time around the supporting cast members really get to add their weight to the story and take responsibility for certain aspects of the story.

 What Hollywood is learning now is that we love team ups, whether it's the 80s stars in Expendables or it's Marvel characters in Avengers... We LOVE team ups!!!

That's one thing that should be capitalized upon in the next film. With Tom getting older it just makes sense to share the load. And who knows with Paula Patton and Jeremy Renner showing they can kick ass just as much Tom can, we could see Tom leaving this franchise as its star player and have either one of the two or both of them take up the challenge to become the new star of the show.

This was also the first MI film to drop the numerals, and take up a secondary title, this time being Ghost Protocol showing that this franchise could go one for the unforeseeable future in the similar fashion as the bond franchise has. Just that they could keep the plots formula of the MI franchise but change its star player.
Paula Patton & Simon Pegg

That definitely looks like an exciting and interesting prospect to us, as Jeremy Renner shown his likability and chemistry with the other characters that could lead to his character Brandt, taking over from Ethan Hunt.

What we do know is, when worked started on Ghost Protocol the idea was to see Tom’s character Ethan Hunt, get slowly written out the story setting it up for Brandt, Jeremy Renner’s character to take over. But since Tom loved doing these films and everybody loved working together, the team became the primary focus, but we thinking we will probably see Renner get a bigger role in the fifth film.

Either way, whether with the next film they decide to have a MI film that is just a little more polished when it comes to their mission or go the unorthodox methods that served them well on Ghost Protocol. One thing is sure as long as they keep the team dynamic and not just make Tom the story's lone star as they have in the previous three installments, they will certainty make a film that will have audiences running to the cinema. Whether or not it will be better than the previous Ghost Protocol remains to be seen, but what we know for sure is that this film will be totally awesome!!

Let us know what you thinking…

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