Monday, May 7, 2012

CARRIE (Original Carrie Speaks)

Sissy Spacek Now


Sissy Spacek in 1976 in Carrie had a chance to talk to Oscar-winning actress Sissy Spacek about her new memoir "My Extraordinary Ordinary Life," which is released this week. It was surprising to learn that know one had yet to ask her about MGM's planned new movie based on Stephen King's Carrie, being that the 1976 Brian De Palma movie was a breakout for her.

Spacek HATES the idea of them actually doing this film!

Sissy Spacek in Carrie
We just JOKING!! Actually she doesn’t hate the idea at all. Like with everything else in her life, she had a great attitude about the whole thing, including the idea of 15-year-old Chloe Moretz taking on the difficult title role.

"I think she's a wonderful actress," Spacek said and got even more excited when she learned that Julianne Moore would be playing the Piper Laurie role of Carrie's mother. "That's great!" she exclaimed.

"They hired a really wonderful director, very talented," she continued. "It'll be interesting. Our film, it is what it is what it is, and it stood the test of time, but I think that's great, it's like an homage not only to the book but to the film, not only to Stephen King but to Brian De Palma. It's been made many times. There have been several television movies, 'Carrie 2,' two musicals! I remember thinking the first time there was a musical on Broadway, 'Oh my Gosh! The people who ordinarily go to the theaters, that's not really the audience.' The first audience of 'Carrie' has aged now, so I think out of curiosity, I think it's cool. As I understand it, they're not remaking our film; they're going back to the source material, to the book."

And Ms. Spacek even suggested she'll probably go to see that movie whenever it comes out, so clearly she is fully behind this film!

Awesome Chloe Moretz Fan Made Carrie Poster
With big fans of Chloe Moretz so it would definitely be cool to see her in such a role, and like Spacek said, this film will follow the story more closer to the original novel so that already should give an indication that this film will be different, but will also be something to look forward to.

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