Thursday, June 28, 2012

SPIDER WOMAN (Character Profile and Cast Picks)

Jessica Drew aka Spider Woman


Spider Woman (Top Left), Emilia Clarke (Top Right), Mary Winstead (Bottom Left) and Paula Patton (Bottom Right)
Spider-Woman has been one of Marvel's leading ladies, for the best part of the last 35 years. She's an ex-member of Hydra, a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., S.W.O.R.D., the New Avengers, Lady Liberators and has also been a Hero for Hire.

Jessica Drew as Spider Woman
Jessica Drew, aka Spider Woman, origin story might be a push to far for a film adaption and even though she has two origin stories, neither one really feels appropriate for the big screen:

The first origin story sees Jessica as a young girl, who is lethally poisoned by radiation. In an attempt to save her life, her father injected her with an experimental serum based on irradiated spiders' blood. Because the serum did not have any apparent effect on her, She’s placed in a genetic accelerator, where she aged at a decelerated rate, after being in it for decades she comes out as a 17 year old, with powers.

The second origin story Jessica's powers derive from her mother's womb being hit by a laser beam containing the DNA traits of several different species of spiders while she was carrying Jessica.

Clearly, both these origin stories will be something that Marvel will try and avoid. However, miss Drew is a real interesting/cool character, and she does have a big fan base that can't wait to see this British hero, make it on to the big screen.

We don't think Marvel will want to bring in Spider Woman just yet, because her name is so closely related to Peter Parker's Spider-Man! However, Jessica Drew did give up her superhero status to be a full time agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.  for a while in the comics.

So she could easily be introduced in Cap 2 or Avengers 2 as just another member of S.H.I.E.L.D., and a ex member of Hydra. She could have gained her powers from Hydra experimenting on her, before she defects. Being an ex-member of Hydra her dynamic with Captain America could be really interesting to see unfold in a film.

Here are our Picks:

Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Spider Woman
Mary Elizabeth Winstead is a stunning versatile actress, who always puts in good solid performances in every film she has been in. Mary has acted in many films, in various types of roles, yet she hasn't found the one big role that will cement her in the minds of the audiences around the world!

We were thinking that Spider-Woman might just be the role, which shoots her into super stardom. It's clear that this beautiful starlet does want to get into a big budget comic film, as she has auditioned for both Wonder Woman and Maria Hill, unfortunately never got the part.

Winstead might have lost out on the role of Agent Hill, to Cobie Smulders but she did impress in auditions. We thinking that maybe Jessica Drew would just be that perfect role Winstead was waiting for as she always manages to light up a screen every time she's on it. Not to mention the fact that she is a total bad ass, and one tough lady.

Emilia Clarke as Spider Woman 
Emilia Clarke has introduced herself to the world with her breakthrough role in Game of Thrones. She has certainly been one of the biggest breakout stars in the show, mesmerizing the audience with incredible performances throughout the season.

We haven’t seen her in anything else, but her performances in Game of Thrones is enough to get anybody excited to see what the future holds for this dragon queen.

Jessica Drew will be the perfect type of role for this you beautiful starlet to take on, and get audiences to see her in a whole new way. Emilia will definitely bring the charm, strength and like ability to miss Drew, that has gained her many fans through the years.

Jessica can be quite the fiery sort of personality and Emilia Clarke can definitely bring this trait alive if chosen for Drew. Emilia Clarke will definitely give us a Jessica Drew that we come to love in the comics while making the character extremely likeable.

Paula Patton as Spider Woman
Paula Patton is our wild card pick and a real solid choice for Spider-Woman. Essentially if you want an idea of her portraying Jessica Drew, all you have to do is watch Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, as she really shows she can bring just the right amount of emotion to each scene where necessary as well as show she can kick serious ass.

Paula Patton irresistibly hot, and yet she is proving to be quite the talented actress, as she continues to provide good solid performances in every film that she is in. Paula might be a long shot for the role of Jessica Drew but she will certainly give a good performance, and have the audience instantly fall in love with her.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

VALKYRIE (Character Profile and Cast Picks)


Valkyrie, Tamsin Egerton, Evan Rachel Wood and Rhona Mitra
Valkyrie definitely is one of our favorite characters. Like Thor, she has a strong affinity with Earth, but unlike Thor who leaves earth at times to go back to Asgard. Brunhilde has been on Earth for a very long time, and rarely goes back to Asgard.
Brunhilde, Valkyrie

Her first appearance in comics was in an Avengers comic, as opposed to being introduced in Thor’s series. Showing that Brunhilde shouldn’t be treated as just a supporting character in a Thor film, she should be more involved with stories that take place on earth.

Valkyrie is the strongest of all Valkyrior and definitely one of the toughest Agardians. Like all her people, her tissue and bone are several times as dense as the mortal equivalent. Though she is not immortal, she ages far more slowly than humans.

Valkyrie is immune to all terrestrial diseases and is resistant to most forms of injury. Her Asgardian physiology grants her superhuman levels of stamina. Valkyrie can perceive the approach of death, in the form of a "deathglow" surrounding a person's body. She doesn't know how death will come but she can tell that it is imminent. Valkyrie can transport herself and a dying or dead body to and from the realm of the dead (Valhalla) by willing it.

Samantha Parrington, Valkyrie
Valkyrie has had extensive training in sword fighting as well as unarmed combat and horseback riding. Her natural fighting ability is among the best of all Asgardian females, matched only by Sif, as well as one of thee most fiercest Asgardian warriors, right up there with Thor, the mighty god of Thunder himself.

Even though she is Asgardian she is known has the "defender of Earth", because of her close affinity with earth.

Brunnhilde was selected by Odin, King of the Gods of the realm of Asgard, to lead the Valkyrior (the Choosers of the Slain), a group of warrior goddesses who would appear over the battlefields of mortal worshippers of the Asgardian gods and choose which of the fallen were worthy to be taken to Valhalla, the land of the honored dead. Brunnhilde served capably in this capacity for centuries.

She has been a mainstay in Doctor Strange’s Defenders team as well as Captain America's Secret Avengers.

For the Samantha Parrington incarnation of Valkyrie or a younger Brunhilde here's our picks:

Samantha Parrington by the way is a mortal, who was granted Valkyrie’s powers, essentially making her a duplicate about Brunhilde.
She thought she was the real Valkyrie.

Evan Rachel Wood as Valkyrie
Evan Rachel Wood would be our pick for a young Brunhilde or Samantha Parrington they both Valkyrie. Evan is very talented young actress, picking up numerous awards and being nominated for a whole lot more, and at the age of only 24, we sure she will pick up a whole lot more.

She may not have much experience in the action genre, but fans of True Blood will vouch for just how menacing she can be.

Tamsin Egerton as Valkyrie
Tamsin Egerton, might be a unknown commodity to general audience, but this beauty is a very talented actress, all she needs is the right role to take her to the top! She is classical trained and has been acting for real long time. She might not have done action films, but she has shown interest in action roles in the past. Given the chance we think that she could the role justice.

Bonus picks

Talulah Riley or Abbie Cornish as Valkyrie

Abbie Cornish in SuckerPunch
Talulah Riley and Abbie Cornish both are more than capable actresses that could take on the role. But Abbie Cornish would definetly shine in this role.

Even though SuckerPunch wasn't the best film in the world, Abbie Cornish performance in the film stands head and shoulders over her co-stars.

She really proved that she could do all the action stuff to as well as bring a real emotional performance. 

Abbie Cornish is very beautiful and she is proving to be one upcoming actress that given the right role in the right film, will blow you away. 

Given the chance to play Valkyrie we sure, she will be an unforgettable addition, to Doctor Strange's Defenders, Caps Modern day team or another warrior to fight alongside Thor the god of thunder.

Our Pick for a little older Brunhilde, Valkyrie:

Rhona Mitra as Valkyrie

Rhona Mitra is our number one pick to play Brunhilde above all else. Brunhilde suppose to be one of the toughest Asgardian warriors around with thousands of years fighting experience. Mitra is the perfect person that will embody a warrior that has seen plenty of bloodshed during her lifetime, as well as posses the physical presence that will demand the attention of audience.

Rosamund Pike, Valkyrie and Lena Headey

There are only few ladies capable of really pulling off Valkyrie, Lena Heady or even Rosamund Pike could also do it, but Rhona Mitra is our Number one choice for the role!

Rhona is tried and tested in the action genre as she brings just the right amount of femininity, but she is always strong, tough and one bad ass chick that you wouldn't mess with! 

Rhona Mitra

Since Rhona will be a bit older than Chris Hemsworth, Brunhilde could be seen as more of a wise older sister to Thor, and a worthy ally to Chris Evans Cap, as they both are strategist.

Either way Rhona will be the perfect woman to play Asgards fiercest warrior.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

LUKE CAGE (Character Profile and Cast Picks)

Luke Cage Vs Iron Fist.. Best of Friends

Luke Cage, Dwayne Johnson, Michael Jai White and Terry Crews
Luke Cage is another character that Marvel has been looking at, as a possible candidate for the silver screen treatment. However, this Hero for Hire has yet to make an appearance on the big screen, even though the film has been in development from 2004, with director John Singleton ready to helm the project. Up until 2006, Luke Cage really looked like a good prospect for a film adaptation; however, it never quite made the leap.

Luke Cage
Luke Cage will probably get a film, but we think it's safe to assume that it will probably come out after Avengers 2. We also think that Marvel should use the Luke Cage film as the starting point for Heroes for Hire, but that's for another day.

In his youth, Carl Lucas was sent to prison for a crime he did not commit. In exchange for parole, Lucas clandestinely underwent an experimental procedure, originally intended to generate immunity to all illness; instead, it inadvertently granted him steel-hard skin and heavier, enhanced muscle. After escaping Seagate Prison, he forged the identity of "Luke Cage" becoming a "hero for hire," a sort of super-enhanced private detective—although Cage commonly refused money, or simply received none, for cases gone awry. (He legally changed his name to Luke Cage).

He would then soon form a long lasting partnership with Iron Fist as they established Heroes for Hire. He would also go on to become a member of the Avengers, become a leader of his own Avenger team as well as a leader of his own Thunderbolts team.

Luke Cage has proved to be a big personality in Marvel, as well as true leader and a team player, as such you will need actor that can really embody all these personality traits as well poses the physical presence of Cage.

Here's our Picks:

Dwanye Johnson as Luke Cage
Dwayne Johnson is really the perfect person to play Luke Cage. He has the physic, he has a big on screen presence, and he has the ability to headline a film as its solo star, yet he can seamlessly slot himself into an ensemble film as a true team player.

Not only is Dwayne a true action star, but also he is a headliner as well as a team player, really the perfect type of actor that Marvel will need to make Luke Cage a success.

However, seeing that Johnson is already part of 2 franchises, Fast and Furious and GI Joe, Marvel might not want to cast him as Cage. Especially since both those characters he plays in those films, is not really that different from Cage. Marvel might want someone else who will be Luke Cage in the minds of audiences everywhere, and not have them think of two other characters when they see him.

Michael Jai White as Luke Cage
Michael Jai White is probably our number one pick for the role. Mortal Kombat: Legacy fans will know him well as Jax, and fans of Tyler Perry's Why did I get Married? Will know him as Marcus. He has acted in numerous films however most has been in smaller roles, like his appearance in The Dark Knight as Gambol.

He is an accomplished martial artist, holding seven black belts in Shotokan, Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, Tae Kwon Do, Kobudo, Goju Ryu with Master Eddie Morales, Tang Soo Do, Wushu and Kyokushin, with a specific focus in Kyokushin (although his style incorporates aspects of many different martial arts forms).

He certainly has the acting ability, and he will most certainly fit in a ensemble film, like Heroes for Hire and Avengers and we pretty sure that given the chance he will be able to hold his own in a solo film!

Terry Crews as Luke Cage
Terry Crews is our wild card pick. He has acted in numerous amounts films, he has proven that he could be a action star, but he hasn't shown that he carry a film on his own.

He has starred in quite a few action films such as Gamer, Street Kings and the Expendables and its subsequent soon to be released sequel. However, the majority of his work as been comedy films, now there is nothing wrong with this at all. In fact it might even work to Terry’s favor, seeing that Marvel are looking to keep some humor in their film, hiring someone like Terry might be the perfect cast pick.

Terry can easily playoff the humor in the film, as well as provide the necessary seriousness required for specific scenes within the film. He certainly has the personality and physic as well as the right look.

Terry is also more than capable of being in an ensemble film, really playing off the cast. But, does Terry have what it takes to headline a solo outing?? He will have to answer that!


Sunday, June 24, 2012


Spidey was Almost in Avengers... Sort of

The Avenging Spider-Man
The Avengers and The Amazing Spider-Man films have a lot in common. Both are CGI spectaculars. Both are being released in 3D. And both are MARVEL comics.

Oscorp building almost in Avengers

Unfourtunately, Sony own the rights to Marvel character, Spider-man, therefore Marvel can’t utilize the character for its Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But, Sony and Marvel actually almost managed to unite both these franchises in Avengers.

The Avengers very nearly contained a direct reference to Andrew Garfield's Amazing Spider-Man, in the form of the Oscorp building designed specifically for the movie.

According to production sources, Marvel and Sony worked together to include the latest version of the Oscorp building into The Avengers' Manhattan city-scape. Sony approached Marvel with the initial design, Marvel agreed, but the timings didn't work out, and by the time it was ready to be added, Avengers' digital Manhattan was already locked.

Which is kind of sad news, especially since this wasn’t a move by Sony to try and dip their hands into Marvel’s Millions that it made on the film, as this attempt to collaborate came long before the Avengers hit cinemas. It was obviously Sony, just trying to make fans minds explode the world over!

However, just because it didn’t work out now, doesn’t mean it wont work out in future. Who knows maybe the Avengers/Stark Tower made it into the Amazing Spider-man film. We will just have to wait and see…

The Oscorp Building that never made it into Avengers
Spider-man is actually an Avenger, on 2 Avengers teams at the moment in comics. But fans and movie audiences shouldn’t forget that Spidey was only recruited in the Avengers team, much later in his career, so if he does make an appearance ever in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it will most likely be as a Superhero team up rather than an Avenger.

What do you think about Spidey and Avengers being set in the same Cinematic Universe??

Saturday, June 23, 2012


#CoulsonLives get it trending

It's hard to imagine the big screen Marvel Universe without the face of Clark Gregg who, by playing Agent Phil Coulson in the original Iron Man, Iron Man 2 and Thor, helped to pave the way for the superhero ensemble that is Marvel's The Avengers.

Despite Coulson's demise in the recent blockbuster, fan support has been swelling to bring the character back for subsequent cinematic entries with one popular solution being to turn the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent into the comics' synthezoid member, the Vision. Gregg, however, now reveals to MTV Splashpage that he's not entirely a fan of that approach.

Coulson in comics now
"Vision is cool," the actors explains, "But I would hate to be any A.I. life form. If I got to come back, I would need to still be somebody who could wisecrack, because my favorite part of the job was that if anybody was going to tease anybody about their diva superhero outfit or whatever, it would be me."

We still be busy giving our Marvel Character and Cast picks, and we must say that we do agree with Gregg. 

As much as we love Coulson, bringing him back as one of thee most loved Avengers Vision, can be an appropriate way for to both honour Coulson’s death but also keep him alive. However, Coulson will still only be a android, he will not be human, he will not be the Coulson we all knew and loved, instead every time you would look at Vision will just be a reminder about the tragedy that is Agent Coulson.

Fanart: Coulson as Vision

So comic fans, maybe the best thing for Coulson is that his death will always remain the symbol for the Avengers assembling, so maybe he should just remain dead. What’s your thoughts on the matter?

Explains a lot!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Madgascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted






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R 1 160 000




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R 36 436 000




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R 124 000

R 7 266 000

This information was supplied by Box Office Mojo