Friday, July 6, 2012


Keisha Castle-Hughes


Keisha Castle-Hughes, the Whale Rider and Star Wars actress has been scouted for a South African film about a group of marijuana enthusiasts, entitled Greener Grass, the CallSheet reports.

Castle-Hughes' agent, Gail Cowan, said producers of upcoming flick Greener Grass were raising money. The actress has told the South Africans she is keen to be in the film.
"She's given them a letter of intent but they're trying to source funding," said Cowan.
Keisha Castle-Hughes
Castle-Hughes would play a young woman called Layla, in the film, which will follow a group of young marijuana enthusiasts in late 1990s South Africa.
 The film is based on a novel, of the same name, by South African writer Hagen Engler. "It's a really great part. I just think it'd be amazing to see what she'd bring to it," Engler told the Herald on Sunday. "It's a very strong character. She's kind of like a rather Machiavellian manipulator."
The story follows a group of surfers who become entangled in a drug-dealing drama. In their minds they're running the operation but actually Layla's manipulating them all to get what she wants. She's the most ruthless member of the gang.
Production company Light & Dark films described Greener Grass as "sexy, hip and irreverent."

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