Wednesday, July 4, 2012

MAN OF TAI CHI (Awesomeness)

 MAN OF TAI CHI Proof of Concept
Man OF Tai Chi
Keanu Reeves is making his feature directorial debut with the martial arts epic Man of Tai Chi, teaming back up with members of the Kung-Fu team behind The Matrix - namely, Tiger Chen, who will also star in the film as “a young martial artist whose fighting skills brings him to a realm of vast opportunities, and painful choices.”

Keanu Reeves
Reeves looks to break some new ground with action in the film. In this proof-of-concept video, you will see Reeves incorporate Bot & Dolly's Iris, the world's most advanced robotic motion control camera system, in order to capture the action up close and personal with camera moves only possible before in video games and other CG environments.

Check out the video and let us know if you're excited for Keanu Reeves to make his directorial debut with Man of Tai Chi, because we sure are!

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