Sunday, September 23, 2012



I recently came across this short film that Vin Diesel made a long time ago, before he was in any major film, called Multi Facial.

Multi Facial tells the story about the audition process that a guy is faced with in New York to try and land a gig.

Diesel as Riddick
This short-film was based on Vin’s own experience’s of the rough auditioning process he had to go through in New York, which ended with him NOT getting any major roles!

He took matters into his own hands and decided to make his own film, what he came up with was this Multi-Facial, which he produced, directed and starred in. He even provided the music for the film!

He made Multi-Facial with a meager budget of $3 000, shooting the film over three days.

This film would be screened at the Anthology Film Archives, where it received strong praise, Strong enough to get accepted into the 1995 Cannes Film Festival.

In 1997, Spielberg would receive a script by Robert Rodat, for a film called Saving Private Ryan (which released in ’98). Rodat first got the idea for the film in 1994 when he saw a monument memorializing those who were killed from the Civil War to Vietnam. Ever since then Rodat worked and reworked the script to get as close to perfect as he could.

Vin Diesel with Paul Walker and Dwayne Johnson in Fast and Furious 6

However in ’97 Spielberg watched Multi-Facial and liked Diesel so much, that he took the script and wrote a role specifically for Diesel.

Diesel would soon go on to voice the Iron Giant, a role originally intended for Peter Cullen the voice of Optimus Prime in Transformers (animated series as well as films). Something that still manages to surprise people today, and if you seen some of the behind the scenes footage of Diesel doing the Iron Giant voice, you certainly see that Diesel is capable of doing a lot more then just be your regular bad ass.

But in recent years with the success Diesel has gained thanks to his memorable characters Xander Cage, Riddick and Dominique Toretto, there are some that seem to think that Diesel is a one-trick action hero pony. But truthfully, Diesel is just servicing his fans at the moment giving us memorable stories of these characters that we love to see him in.

With what we seen and heard of Fast and Furious 6 as well as Riddick which both release next year, we excited to see Diesel in what he does best.

However I really want to see Diesel take on different type of character, and we might just see that happen sooner rather then later.  As not so long ago there was a rumor that has been floating around the Internet - which Diesel started himself - that has Diesel potentially playing Vision in the MCU. While many have voiced their approval, there have also been many that voiced their disapproval.

I for one think that Diesel gets cast as Vision that he could surprise a whole lot of people, as Multi-Facial, his own short film, still proves to be a convincing antidote to the nay-Sayers who believe Diesel can’t pull off.

With that take a look at Multi-Facial:

I’m excited to see what the Future holds for Diesel and the different type of roles he might pursue once the Fast and Furious franchise, Riddick franchise and the xXx franchise finally draws the curtain closed.

Let us know what you think of Diesel’s career and what would you like to see him in future, comment below!!
Should Vin Diesel Play Vision?

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