Monday, April 29, 2013



This has to be one of the funniest shorts I have ever seen.

You guys will love this short, which was brilliant shot, and storyline was well executed. There aren’t to many shorts that are as uniquely funny as this, blending humour and sci-fi can easily spell disaster, but this concept was brilliantly executed.

A Little Bit Behind, is about a TimeTraveler who manages to go back 3 seconds in time. He is now stuck there will the world around continues 3 seconds ahead of him.

Check out the video below:

The Magnificent Presents A LITTLE BIT BEHIND

A LITTLE BIT BEHIND from Chris Byrnes on Vimeo.

Directed By - PAUL SLATER
Production Manager - JEN HILTON

Sunday, April 28, 2013



Wreck-It Ralph and the Gang

Late last year an animated film released that would easily become one of my all time favorite animated films. That film was Wreck-It Ralph. It was a celebration of all these games that I grew up with and still love today. It brought so many properties to life as well recreate the experience on the silver screen.

Wreck-It Ralph was really the film for the game enthusiast and as well as children of the 80’s and 90’s albeit it was an animated film. Kids might love it, but they just wont get it the same way as us older folk would, that really grew up with all these awesome arcade games.

In the film we see quite a bit of cameos from some of our most beloved video games, from Sonic to Ryu as well as many more. It was good to see these characters finally make there way onto the big screen even though it was in such a small capacity, I know I loved it regardless.

With that being said I compiled a Top 10 list of characters that I would love to see in a Wreck It Ralph sequel. I have excluded the Mario Bros. because we all know they going to pop up sooner rather than later. So here is my diverse list of games I would love to see in a Wreck-It Ralph film, excluding Mario Bros.:

            10. BOMBERMAN

This was really one of my favorite games, very simple game play but quite challenging at the same time. If Ralph needs a hand, Bomberman can generate Bombs from his hands, so he would be quite the explosive addition.

            9. BATTLE TOADS

This has to be one of the coolest Beat-em Up games out there. Playing as one of three eccentric Battletoads, you had try and rescue the princess from The Vulture and kick a whole bunch of ass along the way (literally)!  Whether Ralph needs back up or abit of training, it would be cool to see these Toads make a cameo

            8. DOUBLE DRAGON

This probably has to be the Top Beat-em up game of its time. If you liked Battle Toad you would love Double Dragon, and when these games had a crossover that game was even better. If Battle Toads are in Wreck-It Ralph 2, then Billy and Jimmy should be and it will be cool to see their sibling rivalry play out on screen.

            7. WORMS

Worms is probably one of the craziest fun strategy war games ever made. These last few years the Worms games have certainly be suffering, but no one can deny that when it first released it was certainly one of the funnest games around, with some cool humorous looking worms.

If Ralph needs a army, this army of earth worms will definitely kick ass with there bazaar hall of weaponry.

            6. CRASH BANDICOOT

The first 2, 3 games from the Crash Bandicoot series are probably part of my favourite games ever. They were real adventure games, kind of like a modern version of Mario Bros. and I loved every minute of it, like many others out there. Whether Crash himself makes an appearance or Dr. Neo Cortex his arch nemesis does, I think the Crash series deserves to represented in Ralph’s film series.

            5. CRAZY TAXI

Who doesn’t love Crazy Taxi?? This is one of the coolest and most challenging car based games I have ever played and its hella fun as well. In the film we see Ralph travel by train from one game to the next but wouldn’t it be cooler to see Ralph travel by Crazy Taxi through a game!? It could be a fun wild ride!

            4. EARTHWORM JIM

A worm in a robotic suit, Jim was one badass mofo and hilarious as well. Jim quickly established himself as the “cool kid on the block” in these sort of games, and quickly became a popular figure amongst all gamers. If Jim is in Ralph’s film, it would fun to see these two characters interaction and Jim could probably be a real cool supporting character to Ralph.

            3. METAL SLUG 

Metal Slug is probably the most successful run and gun gaming franchise ever! It has a real sense of humour about itself as well as an intense visual style and dynamic that makes it real easy to love.  Metal Slug also has some real memorable characters in Marco, Tarma, Eri and Fio. With experience in battling soldiers, aliens, mummies, zombies and just some real crazy creatures, this crew have seen it and done it all and they would be up to any challenge that Ralph could find himself in.

            2. FINAL FANTASY   

This has to be one of the longest running gaming franchises ever, and for good reason. Final Fantasy is an adventure, fantasy, sci-fi masterpiece. Always stunningly beautiful and with a good tight knit story Final Fantasy has become a mammoth franchise that has spilled over into films, anime, books and other mediums as well. I think it would be awesome to have Ralph get lost in the world of Final Fanatsy and see that world come to life on the big screen or just represented in some way.   
            1. CONTRA

While Metal Slug probably has to be the most successful gun and run type game, the first Contra game was certainly the best of its kind. A few years ago it was voted as the most Toughest Game to Beat, and that was including modern games as well. If somebody told you they completed Contra they would be probably lying. For all of the game’s simplicity it was one challenging game.
It really goes without saying that Contra should be in a Ralph film down the line as it really is a classic.

So tell me what Games, or Game characters would you love to see in a Ralph film??

Let Me Know and Comment below!

Friday, April 26, 2013



Coming off the mammoth success of Avengers, a solo adventure for Tony Stark would seem the mammoth task, but thanks to director Shane Black this third outing for the beloved Iron Man is nothing more than extraordinary.

Marvel's "Iron Man 3" pits brash-but-brilliant industrialist Tony Stark/Iron Man against an enemy whose reach knows no bounds. When Stark finds his personal world destroyed at his enemy's hands, he embarks on a harrowing quest to find those responsible. This journey, at every turn, will test his mettle. With his back against the wall, Stark is left to survive by his own devices, relying on his ingenuity and instincts to protect those closest to him.

When this film begins we find Tony at a very delicate stage in his life, he is totally consumed in his Iron Suits, completely shout off from the world and yet plagued by everything that has happened to him.

This film sets out to show us that Tony isn’t the Invincible Iron Man; he is just a man who doesn’t know how to cope with all that has happened to him. For all his brashness and confidence we get to see all of Tony’s vulnerabilities and doubts. This isn’t someone who has it all figured out, but he is someone that’s good and pretending that he is.

Comedy is certainly not lost in this film though, as Shane always manages to bring back some wiseass remark from Tony or some other character, to keep its audience smiling from beginning to end.

That’s the magic of Iron Man 3; it eschews the Iron Suits, in favour of revealing the true character and nature of Tony Stark informing us why Tony is the perfect Iron Man. It’s really a character story that is bonded to a technological thriller sort of genre.

Even so, the film is certainly big on action and scope, as it probably has the most impressive action scenes in any Marvel Film. Be prepared to some real cool action scenes in this film!

It’s beautifully shot and fits in perfectly with the Iron Man 1 & 2 as well as with Avengers. Maybe more so in the case of the latter.

Where Iron Man 1 really tried to make Iron Man seem like a plausible character in the real (our) world, while Avengers was really about making the comic book world the real world in these movies. Iron Man 3 takes full advantage of this and instead of trying tone down certain elements, it does away with such subtleties and fully embraces the weird wild world it finds itself in as apart of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

As for performances, this has to probably be Robert Downey Jr.’s best portrayal of Tony.  From his comedic timing, to his break down, this film really shows us Tony at his best and worst and Downey’s performance was nothing short than his best.

These last couple of years haven’t been the best for Guy Pearce when it comes to the films that he found himself in, however in Iron Man 3 he certainly shows off why his a force to be reckoned with.

Sir Ben Kingsley really brought the Mandarin to life, making him an incredible menacing villain for much of the film. His presence certainly provided gravitas for the situation that Tony would find himself in.

Well I wasn’t a fan of Don Cheadle’s James Rhodes in Iron Man 2; his portrayal of the character in Iron Man 3 is significantly better as he shown to be a bit of his own entity to Iron Man. We could certainly see War Machine go off into his own film franchise, or join Avengers or maybe even join Captain America’s film series, anything can happen.    

My only gripe with the film would be that it could have been a little more serious in certain parts of the film as it would have added weight to severity of the situation. But that is really a minor gripe!

One major fan favorite storyline that has been side stepped when it comes to Iron Man is the “demon in the bottle” story arc. This story mainly focused on Tony’s battle with alcoholism. While Iron Man 3 doesn’t delve into such territories in certainly goes to show us the Demons in Tony ‘s Head.

It’s about showing us why Tony is ultimately Iron Man, and it’s not just because of these suits that he has. Its because he is the mechanic, he is the brain, he’s the force and he is the man that wont stop at anything to do what is necessary.

Overall this is a fantastic addition to not only the Iron Man films but also the Marvel films as a whole. Its not the straight up superhero film you will be expecting but it’s an intelligent technological thriller film, that will have laughing and in suspense at the same time.

Our Rating

Sunday, April 21, 2013

SHAVE IT (Short)


Its been a while since I have previewed or even a reviewed a short on for all you that enjoy the world of the shorts, I do apologize!

But to make up for it, I’m bringing a little preview of a wonderful short film called SHAVE IT.

The film really is beautifully animated with crisp visuals and glorious details to its most radiant and colorful world. Its really easy to get caught up in the world within the first few seconds of the video as it dances to your senses and overflows in abundance of creativity and innovation that’s it makes it extremely hard for anybody not to be mesmerized by it.

The films plot is as follows: In the wilderness of the forests where giant bulldozers are tearing apart the woods there is a monkey that accidentally finds a shaving machine and decides to use it. Spontaneously disguised as a human being, he moves out to the city and starts a career. After a stunning success in business, he understands the need of gaining political power. Not too long after, he becomes the president. Now he is ready to make a change.

Aside from being a visual pleasure this short is immensely entertaining and fun. If you don’t believe check the video out for yourself below and remember to tell your friends about it as well


For us, it’s an ironic reflection about how nature adapts to the human invasion. We found a great inspiration in an Amazonian bird, the Lira, which imitates the sounds it hears in the environment. It does it with such a lack of criticism or judgment that it imitates the other birds singing, the power saws noise or the crash of the trees falling in the same way. We must admit that part of the credits should go to Nahuel, a friend of us that shaves his arms in laughable ways.
We watched the monkey’s behaviour and the way they move, first in the zoos, then there was a trip to the Amazonian jungle and finally some actors friends, the monkey’s acting is the result of all this together.

Regarding aesthetics, we wanted to choose the way of maximum expression possible, trying to get over the technique. In a free mix of 3D and 2D animation, saturated and live colours we found a harmony that reflects the nature’s freedom and that even loses its’ respect.


Fernando Maldonado was born in 1978, in San Juan, Argentina. Since very young he developed in visual arts and music. He studied the Visual Arts career in the
U.N.S.J and he were trained in 3D animation by self-education. His Fi­rst short ­lm “La mezcla”, directed with Lucas Aguirre was awarded by Telefe Cortos ­first edition (2004) and was selected by Mar del Plata Film festival (2005). Then he moved to Cordoba city, where he lived for 2 years, working in audiovisual production companies and on his own. He lives in Buenos Aires since 2008 and works as Director of animation at 3Dar Studios.

Jorge Tereso was born in 1984, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A year later he moved to Siria and he would keep moving until 17 when he returned to Argentina to begin with his studies. As he did not fi­nd any career that could match with his interests, he continued with his self-education with Internet help. In 2003 he became part of 3Dar, a 3D animation studio that was giving its’
­First steps.

For more Information don’t hesitate to check out