Thursday, May 31, 2012


Avengers: Iron Man Vs Thor Concept Art

In a recent interview, Kevin Feige confirmed that the death-obsessed Eternal, Thanos, would not be making an appearance in Thor 2; another big villain would be stepping in.  We know that Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman will reprise the roles of Thor and Jane Foster respectively.  We also know that Tom Hiddleston will return as Loki, but that’s not a new big villain.  And we know Mads Mikkelsen is set to play a villain, so who could it be? We still hopeful that the Enchantress will pop-up!! 

Awesome Thor  Fan Art
In an interview with Empire, Feige talks about his surprise at just how well The Avengers did:

“I was just hoping it would beat the opening weekend of Iron Man 2, which was the biggest opening weekend for any Marvel Studios movie. We did 80 or 90 million above that. As the numbers started coming in on Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night, they just kept getting bigger and bigger, into areas I would never in a million years have believed.”

Fans will also be happy to hear that The Avengers was just the beginning for where the Marvel exec plans to take the franchise:

“The Avengers was not the finale for us. It was a giant, giant marker, but it was never the finale. We are already well into the plan for the next phase of our little cinematic universe.”

The next continuation will be, of course, Thor 2. Here’s what Feige had to say about it:

“We’re going to see the other side of Asgard. It’s not all polished and golden in this film. And the events of Avengers will have affected Thor for sure. His relationship with Loki will continue to evolve, and the biggest part is Natalie and Thor returning with Jane Foster.”

But, now that as im sure the whole world knows, Loki is probably inline for some punishment by his adopted father Odin, meaning that there is space for another villain to take center stage. But, will that villain be Thanos?

“No, future, future. But there will be a major new villain. A major, major new antagonist…”

We really hope that Enchantress will be in Thor 2, as she is really one cool ass Character, and since Jane will be in Asgard it really does make sense for Amora to come out and play!

Thor 2 Avengers 2012 beautiful Imogen Poots as Enchantress
Click Here to see why we think Imogen Poots should be Amora the Enchantress
Thor 2, filming this summer in London, is directed by Alan Taylor and written by Robert Rodat. The sequel also stars Anthony Hopkins, Stellan Skarsgard, Ray Stevenson and Jaimie Alexander and is set to open November 15th, 2013.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Imogen Poots our pick for Enchantress


Our Marvel Picks
Casting has already begun on Thor 2, so we thought we would add our 2cents by giving our thoughts on a possible villain that could be joining the film, and who should be playing that said villain.

Enchantress name has come up time and time again, as a possible villain that could be joining Thor 2, and it's highly possible that she could be.
Amora the Enchantress
She is a fan favorite, she is definitely one of our all time favorite villains, and she’s a highly complicated character.

She has a deep love for Thor, but our hero doesn't feel the same way about Amora, this is normally her drive for all her villainy. However, there are other factors for her being a big bad.
Amora began learning magic as an apprentice of Karnilla, Queen of the Norns but was eventually banished out of Asgard. She continued learning magic on her own, notably by seducing others well versed in magic and learning their secrets. In time, Amora became one of the more powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, with her magical arsenal focused on (but not limited to) charming and mind-controlling people.

In Thor 2 we will probably see Thor bring Jane Foster to Asgard and explore the Nine Realms together. Odin has never taken to Thor's Earthly Love Interest, and his dislike for Jane actually coincided with the Amora's first appearance in the comics.

Amora was sent by Odin to eliminate Jane, as he felt that Thor was wasting his time with her, as Odin sees her as a distraction. She also hopes to have the thunder god for herself.

So we think that could be something that we could possibly see in the film, as this will allow Amora to be introduced as Thor's old flame, yet not exactly a villain, while also really pushing Jane and Thor's relationship to strenuous levels.

Is Jane really up to dating a Thunder a god, and live this life of danger? Can Jane really be comfortable with having a beautiful sorceress (who just happens to be Thor's Ex) out to kill her? how will she handle Thor's relationship with Sif? After all Sif and Thor do become romantically involved and it has stayed that way for a long time in the comics. So will we see Jane, getting a little jealous, because she feels insecure after seeing Thor and Sif's friendship and how they are this kind of  perfect match?

Enchantress in Thor won't just mean an awesome love story, but the movie will take a whole lot of different turns as well as providing some cool action scenes. After all Amora is aided by the Executioner!

Here is our Pick for Amora:

Imogen Poots is perfect for the Enchantress

General audiences might not know Imogen Poots, but she really is an incredible, young talent that will be brilliant in this role.

This Beautiful British star has taken on a number of roles, including 28 weeks Later, Centurion, Jane Eyre and most recently Fright Night. She has taken a variety of different roles in the past and has always given good solid performances even in minor roles. She really is an upcoming actress and someone that will be able to bring a certain like ability and sympathy to Amora.

Amora is very seductive, but we think it will be more beneficial to have someone like Poots playing the part, who is very beautiful, but at the same time she has a charming, "girl next door" demeanor to her. Which makes her very desirable without becoming this overly exaggerated seductive characterization of Amora, which can become the case if the character is handled wrong. She is already beautiful, and she has magic, so she really doesn't have to be overly seductive.

Imogen Poots
General audiences should look at Amora and Thor's chemistry and be like "Thor Why don't you love Amora, Y'all so good together" and NOT for people to look at her like " You Such a Crazy Whore"!!

Because as much as Amora puts Thor's life in Danger, she's almost always the one to save him from his impending death, or even bring him back from the dead. And the same goes for Thor, Amora has died several times in comics, and Thor always mourns for her, he takes her death pretty hard. Thor has also brought Amora back from the dead, even though everybody tells him not to. So you really can't just have him being totally resistant towards her, they should have some good chemistry, but with Thor not being totally in-love with her.

Therefore Imogen Poots is really the best choice as she can bring a certain vulnerability to the character, which will allow audiences to actual share an emotional bond with Amora, while switching to a very menacing Amora that's out for blood.

P.S. We still not sure on whose perfect for Skurge the Executioner, do you guys have any idea on who can really play him??

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Could Dwayne Johnson be Lobo??


Most recently, a random Twitter user mentioned her desire to see The Rock as a DC superhero.  Dwayne Johnson, forever in touch with his fans, tweeted in response, “Funny U say that…“  That then sent the entire internt to go into a frenzy about who the Rock could be playing. 

Dwayne Johnson on Pain and Gain Set

Bleeding Cool followed up with an interesting possibility: the antihero biker Lobo.  Bleeding Cool admits their source is an untested one, who purportedly overheard Johnson boasting at a party that he will play Lobo.  But the rumor is a good fit. 

There is a Lobo adaptation in development.  Brad Peyton, the director of Johnson’s last movie Journey 2: The Center of the Earth, is steering the ship.  And no actor really has that Lobo physique other than The Rock. 

An alien, Lobo works as an interstellar mercenary and bounty hunter. Introduced as a hardened, rarely used hardboiled villain in the 1980s, the character remained in limbo until his revival as an anti-hero biker in the early 1990s… “I have no idea why Lobo took off,” Giffen once said in an interview, referring to the 1990s incarnation of Lobo he created. “I came up with him as an indictment of the Punisher, Wolverine, hero prototype and somehow he caught on as the high violence poster boy. Go figure.” …

Lobo is a Czarnian with exceptional strength and fortitude. He enjoys nothing better than mindless violence and intoxication. Killing is an end in itself; his name roughly translates as “he who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it.” He is also arrogant and self-centered, focusing almost solely on his own pleasures, although he proudly lives up to the letter of his promises: no more or no less than what he promised. Lobo is the last of his kind, having committed complete genocide by killing all the other Czarnians for fun.

Could Dwayne Johnson be in Green Lantern 2?
However, there has also been speculation, that Dwayne Johnson might actually be taking the role of John Stewart, The Green Lantern. Which could be something quite interesting, as the Green Lantern 2 is in production, and Dwayne has been the go to guy to help bolster a franchise.

Seeing that Green Lantern has done so purely at the box office, maybe the guys over at Warner are thinking that it would be more beneficial if Green Lantern 2, actually played out as buddy-cop film, just replace the cop with 2 superhero inter-galactic cops!

You have to admit having 2 Green Lanterns will prove to be quite an entertaining prospect essentially, if the two guys in the film are Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson. That’s the perfect way to bring in Comic fans, as well as a major female audience. And if they manage to get the film just right, Warner could be sitting with a highly successful franchise, and who knows it might even give there Justice League film a bit of a Boast.

Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam Fan Art

So if we had to choose we going with the Green Lantern thing, that’s our guess. Let us know what you think? Do You think its Lobo, Green Lantern or maybe even Black Adam, or is Johnson just pulling our leg??

Monday, May 21, 2012


Spider-Man swings into Theaters in July 

Emma Stone is Gwen Stacy in the Amazing Spider-Man
Check out this awesome 4 minute preview of the Amazing Spider-man below. We must admit we weren’t really to keen on seeing this film, however, after seeing this preview we think it might just be alright after all. We don’t have a problem with Spidey, getting a reboot, but we do have a problem with them basically taking him back to highschool. Spidey has a lot of great stories when his a bit later, we just feel like they getting too caught up on his origins.
The Amazing Spider-Man

Coming to 3D, 2D and IMAX 3D theaters on July 3, the action adventure stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Campbell Scott, Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen and Sally Field.
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN the story of Peter Parker (Garfield), an outcast high schooler who was abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben (Sheen) and Aunt May (Field). Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. Peter is also finding his way with his first high school crush, Gwen Stacy (Stone), and together, they struggle with love, commitment, and secrets.

As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents' disappearance – leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors (Ifans), his father's former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors' alter-ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Spider-Man Speaks)

Andrew Garfield is the New Spider-Man
Tobey is Spider-Man Old School 

VMan magazine has published a really interesting article in which former "Spider-Man" franchise star Tobey Maguire interviews The Amazing Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield about taking over the role this July 3rd.
Andrew Garfield

Tobey Maguire: …”I was particularly excited at two moments: one was when [director] Marc Webb got involved. I think he's an interesting and cool choice. and then I was certainly curious as to who was going to play Peter Parker. When I heard it was you, I was literally like, F*cking perfect!”

Andrew Garfield: “Oh, man!”

TM: “What was the process? How did you end up being the guy?”

AG: “It was pretty basic, apart from it being more dragged out and pressure-filled and dramatic than any other audition process I've ever been through. They like to put you through the ringer, in the respect that it creates drama and tension among a generation of actors.”

TM: “Yeah, I completely understand. What kind of effect has this had on you?”

Tobey Maguire
AG: “The main thing I'm thinking about and worrying about is what happens after this movie comes out. What was your experience when you became Spider-Man in people's eyes? I'm interested to hear what you have to say about the whole life change that it brings. Because right now I have a host of fears that I'm contending with on a minute-to-minute basis. I'm not in the reality of it yet, so I'm sure I'm imagining it will be much worse than it is. I admire you so much because you're an actor and that's all you've ever been and all you ever will be. It must be very hard to hold on to the simple fact of wanting to be an actor, to tell stories and not have your image become bigger than your art. Do you have a recollection of a definite change, or was it a seamless thing?”

TM: “I think our thing was a little bit different because movies hadn't been doing the sort of opening-weekend business that's fairly common—even expected—today. The first Harry Potter came out about six months before us and it was this phenom- enon from Day one. It was so wild because it was a new thing at that moment—and I’m not saying that hasn't happened in movie history, but at the time that was a big jump. And then that happened with us. People didn't anticipate [2002's Spider- Man] to be like that. Leading up to it you start to get reactions and people tell you, you know, what the tracking is and what range your opening weekend box office is likely to be. But for me it was kind of unexpected. So much shifted in my life the weekend the movie came out. It was shocking.”

The New Amazing Spider-man
AG: “Right. I just feel such a great responsibility to the story and to the fans, because I know in my heart how much this character means to people, because it means that much to me. For the sake of all the people who care about it as much as I do—I want to bring the character to life and make sure they're as satisfied as they can possibly be.”

TM: “That's very cool. A lot of what you've been talking about, the connectivity between you and the story and the fans, it seems like you have a great respect for the character.”

AG: “Very much so. Peter Parker is such a positive character—he's pure wish fulfillment, an underdog. I grew so much from him when I was a kid, from the comics all the way up to the first movie you were in. I was 19 when I saw [Spider-Man]. I got a pirated dvd at portobello Market with my friend Terry Mcguiness, and we went back to my skanky apartment in North London and we watched it twice in a row and then practiced your final line in the mirror!”

TM: [Laughs]

AG: “Terry has this thick accent and every time I would recite that line he would laugh this very distinct laugh and say, "No, man, you could never be f*cking Spider-Man. You'll never be f*cking Spider-Man!" I was so humiliated and upset. But, um...f*ck you, Terry!”

TM: [Laughs]

The Amazing Spider-Man also stars Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Campbell Scott, Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen and Sally Field. It will be hitting thearters on the 3rd of July.

The New Spider-Man Swings into Theaters on the 3rd July

Friday, May 18, 2012


Marvel Cinematic Universe Comics Avengers X-Men Spider-man
Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige Avengers
Kevin Feige President of Marvel Studios
As you know, The Avengers destroyed the box office in its opening weekend pulling in $207 million and breaking the record for biggest second weekend bringing in $105 million in the USA, while joining the exclusive $1 Billion Dollar club.

 In a recent interview over at CHUD, Marvel President Kevin Feige talked about The Avengers 2 and when it might happen, The Skrulls, offers up an interesting bit of information on Captain America 2, and more!

Avengers Skrulls aliens marvel comics
The Skrulls 
On where the rights to THE SKRULLS stand: 

“Yes, Skrulls have a big connection to Fantastic Four. So there are some contractual limitations about who can do what when it comes to Skrulls. Though that is not why we didn’t do Skrulls. There is already enough going on in this movie. “


“I would say it happened in stages over the course of production on Iron Man. We were tasked with making Iron Man and Hulk into movies, by ourselves, in 2006/2007. And we were not owned by Disney at that point – we were our own company – and if those movies did not work we would have lost a lot. And the studio would not exist right now. It was sort of a go-for-broke mentality that we had. And we believed in the way we wanted to tell the stories, and how we wanted to bring Tony Stark in particular to life.

Thor Iron Man Hulk Captain America Avengers
Chris Evans. Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo
So that was the only thing we were working on, the only thing we were focused on. And during development – I don’t remember who it was – but some of the writers asked, “Hey we want to have an agent who is sort of trailing Tony Stark, and is asking questions to add an air of mystery and global consequence to what he’s doing. Can we use SHIELD?” And I said, no no, you can’t do that. I said that as a knee-jerk reaction because that is what I would always say when people writing Fantastic Four or X-Men or Spider Man or whatever – I’m not saying they all asked for SHIELD, but many of them would ask for something that wasn’t in their contract. So my knee-jerk was no no. But then I thought, oh wait, you can! Of course you can! It’s ours! We have it!
DEVIANTART aliens marvel studios avengers
Guardians of the Galaxy FanArt

And that’s when Agent Coulson was added to Iron Man, and having fun with what SHIELD stands for and that sort of thing. Then it was shortly after that, that I was meeting with Sam Jackson’s people, just as part of a general Hollywood meeting, and his people asked, “Anything for Sam?” And I said, “You know, actually, in the comics they draw this character Nick Fury to look like Sam.” And they said, “Yeah, Sam loves that. He loves all those comics.” So I asked if he would want to come and put on an eye patch and work with us for a few hours. They said he’d totally do it. So I said to Jon [Favreau, director of Iron Man], let’s do this Nick Fury thing.

We’ll have him come to Tony Stark’s house at the end of the credits. We didn’t know if it would work or if people would care, so we didn’t want to muck up the movie itself with it. That might be confusing, like, “Who’s this guy?” But we did think that for any fan hardcore enough to sit through six minutes of credits, they’d get a little bonus of Nick Fury telling Tony that he’s part of a bigger universe. And everybody went for it, whether they knew who Nick Fury was or not because they knew who Sam Jackson was! What the heck is he doing walking in at the end of this movie?!

And when Robert [Downey Jr] agreed to do a similar thing at the end of The Incredible Hulk, it really solidified. Oh my god, these different movies, with different kinds of trailers and commercials and attitudes, but they’re connected? And that picked up so quickly and people were so into it that we thought, wow, this could work. I think at Comic-Con 2006, somebody asked if there could ever be an Avengers movie. And I said, well, I don’t know.

 But if you look at the characters that Marvel Studios has the rights to — Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Nick Fury. And the audience started getting very excited by that notion. I had no idea we could actually do it when I said that in 2006. But after the release of Iron Man, that opening weekend, Marvel sort of called and said, “Okay. How many movies do you want to do, what order do you want to do them, let’s do them.” So we announced the following Monday all these movies and release dates. A couple of them shifted from the original announcement. But now here we are in 2012.”

Avengers Puny Spiderman Hulk Fan Art Deviant art awesome funny smash
Spidey and Hulk FanArt

“I think Joss [Whedon, writer-director of Avengers] is much more eloquent about this than I am, but Hulk is seemingly more suited for an ensemble piece were he can be the loose canon, the unpredictable bad boy. You can’t get the same kind of moments necessarily when its a stand-alone movie and everything is on [Bruce Banner's] shoulders.

Joss just said this earlier today: Bruce Banner spends all his time saying, “I don’t want to turn into the Hulk, I don’t want Hulk to come out.” But the audience wants the exact opposite! Obviously that is part of the nature of Bruce Banner and that is a part of The Avengers, but he has evolved to a point that he wouldn’t have been able to if we hadn’t taken him through The Incredible Hulk. Now we find him a little more at piece with it all. And it’s not until he meets Tony Stark and exposed to the other heroes of the Avengers that he is willing to go for it – in that moment that we won’t spoil here.”

On The AVENGERS 2 and when it will happen and CAPTAIN AMERICA 2:

“If we do an Avengers 2 it will be after [Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2]. They have to grow, they have to change. What they’ve gone through in this movie will impact their state of mind and where they stand in their next movies. Then whatever they go through in those movies is going to affect where we meet them in the next Avengers film. But I think people will be surprised to see, as we go forward – particularly in Iron Man 3 – the notion of how singular the stories can become. Iron Man 3 is a very singular Tony Stark story. As is Thor 2. Cap, who is stuck in the modern day with no friends or family, there will be some revelations of who is still alive from his days in WWII, but SHIELD and Nick Fury are kind of his confidants right now. So of all these movies, Captain America 2 will be most closely associated with Avengers.”

Thor Loki Black Widow Hawkeye Captain America 2 Iron Man tony stark awesome fan art marvel cinematic universe
Who Will join this happy Avenger Family Next??

There is a definitely an air of excitement when it comes to all the future projects of Marvel, and we looking forward to what lies ahead for this company that is building something that’s quite spectacular.

Be sure too keep your eyes on our blog because we will be releasing our TOP Character as well as Cast picks for the future Marvel Cinematic Universe Films... So be sure you keep your eyes on FILM RAP!