Sunday, August 12, 2012

THE BEAUTY INSIDE (You Can be in a Movie)


Mary Elizabeth Winstead
The digital age (ie. the reign of the Internets) has proved to be both beneficial and detrimental to the art of filmmaking.  Though it’s easy to run down the list of negative developments for the industry, the dawn of “crowd-sourcing” and the abundance of amateur filmmaking via YouTube have been significant—and have seen pretty damn cool—developments. 

Like Crazy director Drake Doremus has teamed up with Topher Grace, Mary-Elizabeth Winstead, Intel and Toshiba for an ambitious crowd-sourced film called The Beauty Inside, where YOU, yes I said YOU, can land a role in this film.

Topher Grace
The idea of the project is that the lead character, narrated by Grace, goes to sleep every night and wakes up as a different person.  This unique conceit allows the producers to cast literally anyone as the lead for each installment, and that’s just what they’re going to do.  Anyone can audition online at the official Facebook page, and the first episode airs on August 16th.  New episodes will run each week until September 20th when everything comes to a close.  It’s a pretty neat idea and a great use of the crowd-source format.

Check out this awesome Trailer, and make sure that you audition!!

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