Monday, August 27, 2012

NOVA (Character Profile and Cast Picks)


Dave Franco, Nova and Lucas Till
Well it's official, we will be getting a Guardians of the Galaxy film! But what does that mean for Nova?? Well right now, nothing. We still not sure if Nova will be included or not, and if he will be, just how big of a role will he get in the film will be a mystery… for now at least.

Starlord (one of the Guardians of the Galaxy) and Nova
Here's a tad bit from Nova's origin story: Richard Rider, a student at the fictional Harry S. Truman High School in Hempstead, New York, is chosen at random by the alien Rhomann Dey, last surviving Nova Centurion of the planet Xandar's elite Nova Corps, to inherit his power and succeed him in the rank of Nova Prime following the destruction of his world by the intergalactic pirate Zorr. Having been mortally wounded in the battle that tore Xandar apart, Dey succeeds in tracking Zorr to Earth but is unable to defeat him due to the extent of his injuries. Near death, Dey chooses to transfer his power to an unsuspecting human on the planet below, praying that whomever he finds will take up his cause.

So yes, his origin story does mimic that of Green Lanterns, so Marvel might want to try and avoid that for now. However, seeing that Sony owns the film rights to Spider-man, Nova is possibly the best candidate to fill that teenage "comic relief" type character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Another factor that leads us to believe that Nova will get introduced into the Marvel Cineamatic Universe pretty soon is the fact that Guardians of the Galaxy will be getting made and that Thanos is now present in the universe! Nova has a history with the Guardians, as well as Thanos, so if he doesn’t make it for Guardians he will probably make it for a subsequent sequel.

The great thing about Nova though is that in recent times in the comics, Marvel has moved on from Richard the teenage superhero, as the character has come of age of late. His definitely a commanding presence, and certainly has become one of Marvel's all-powerful characters.

So we see Three ways, which Marvel could go with Nova if he is to be introduced into the MCU:
  •        They could have him cameo, as a high school student.
  •     They could introduce him as Nova in all his glory, and just deal with his origin story, at later date
  •      They could just introduce the audience to the Nova Corps., and deal with Rider at a later date.

Nova derives his powers from an energy source called the Nova Force, which all Nova Corps Centurions wield. This energy was transferred by Xandarian technology to Rider by the Nova-Centurion Rhomann Dey. Nova's small measure of the Nova Force gives him superhuman powers including flight, superhuman strength, speed, and durability, as well as the power to absorb energy directed against him and release it as gravimetric pulses and beams, either from specific parts of his body or from his entire body.


Lucas Till as Nova
Lucas Till is most famously known for playing Havok in X-Men: First Class, and will reprise the role in a subsequent sequel, but we think he could fit the bill for Rider. Marvel haven't been shy to re-use certain actors in there films, for example Jon Favreau who starred in Daredevil as well as Iron Man, Ryan Reynolds in Blade as well as X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and most famously, Chris Evans playing Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four, and Steve Rogers aka Captain America.

So we pretty sure that Marvel won't be against Till if he is up to it! Till certainly cane bring the humor, a cool bravado and definitely looks the part if Marvel decide to go with high school student Rider.

Dave Franco
Dave Franco might seem like odd choice, but I think he could be brilliant as Nova. Dave is 28 years of age, however just earlier in this year we seen him play a high school student in 21 Jump Street. We not saying he should play  Rider in high school, even though he can, because he does have a young face but we thinking maybe the character could be in college as opposed to high school.

Dave will certainly bring the humor that Marvel love in there films, and we could definitely see him just having fun with this role.

As Nova is constantly at odds with Worldmind, his Helmet.

Dave will certainly be as memorable as this hero, just as Robert Downey Jr. is as Iron Man.

Garrett Hedlund as Nova
Garrett Hedlund wasn't originally part of my choices, but after considering that Marvel could just skip the origin story and go straight into Nova after he mastered his skills, and knows his purpose, Garrett just popped into my mind. Hedlund certainly poses the characteristics to play a great hero in the making, that's a bit of a hot head/ immature yet is still humble, knowing he has much to learn.

For a character that just might pop up for a few minutes in Guardians of Galaxy, you will need someone that the audience will like instantly, someone that they would want to see more of, and Hedlund can be that person.

But the great thing about having someone like Hedlund make this small memorable appearance is the fact that if audience really takes a liking to Nova, Hedlund will be able to carry a solo film, and with all the memorable stories that Nova has, it will certainly be a wild ride.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

GAME OF THRONES (Special Features)


    This might not have anything to do with the film industry, but few films has managed to capture the imagination of the world, keeping millions intrigued, enticing us with every turn while managing to live up to and exceed every expectation the way Game of Thrones has. 

    Khaleesi, Game of Thrones Fan Art
    Game of Thrones is certainly thee most memorable epic show that has ever been on Television, and continues to be the pinnacle for what an ambitious TV series can be.

    I cant remember the last time a TV series invoked such an incredible response from audiences around the world, keeping fans of the books stuck to there TV’s while bringing in a whole new generation of fans thanks to the awe-inspiring work posed by an incredible team of people whose aim it is, to keep us entertained and lost in this world, for an hour at least, before we snap back to reality and have to face the monotonous, stress-fuelled, embrace of a reminisce that we call our lives. 

    Fan Art, Jon Snow
    So while we wait anxiously for the return of the third season of HBO’s Game of Thrones, we thought we would share with you this awesome behind-the-scenes look of the incredible production process that goes into brining the George R.R. Martin bestselling series adaptation to life.

    This behind-the-scenes featurette gives us an idea of the new companion book, by HBO, which is now available, that features concept art and final production photos from season 1 and 2.

    Here’s a description of the book, which you can order over at HBO:

    HBO’s Game of Thrones reigns as cable’s highest-rated series. This official companion book gives fans new ways to enter this fictional world and discover more about the beloved (and reviled) characters and the electrifying plotlines. Hundreds of set photos, production and costume designs, storyboards, and insider stories reveal how the show’s creators translated George R. R. Martin’s best-selling fantasy series into the world of Westeros. Featuring interviews with key actors and crew members that capture the best scripted and unscripted moments from the first two seasons, as well as a preface by George R. R. Martin, this special volume, bound in a lavishly debossed padded cover, offers exclusive access to this unprecedented television series.

    As if that wasn’t enough, we decided that we would add another video giving you a peak at the Game of Thrones experience at Comic-Con this past year!

    Dammit! I sooo wish I was there!! Well let us know are you big fans of Game of Thrones, what are you expecting for Season 3, and how much do you really love it?? Comment below!

    VISION (Character Profile and Cast Picks)

    Fan Art of Vision in Avengers


    Doug Jones, Vision and Clark Gregg
    Thor, Iron Man and Captain America might be known as The Big Three Avengers, but that's not say that there haven’t been other legendary Avengers members. Vision is one of those legendary Avengers, a true classic Avenger and a fan favorite.

    Vision is created by Ultron, a villain who was created by Ant-man. Ultron creates Vision to be his partner in crime, a perfect android, but he is created a bit too perfectly. So much so, that he reverts back on his original programming and chooses to become a hero instead of a villain. He then assists the Avengers  and helps them defeat Ultron. They then recruit this Reformed villain as a member of the Avengers. Vision will then go on to cement his place in Avenger folklore.

    Even though Vision is an Android, an extremely intelligent one at that, he entered into a relationship with another iconic Avenger, the Scarlett Witch!

    Vision Fan Made Concept Art
    The Vision is described as being "...every inch a human being—except that all of his bodily organs are constructed of synthetic materials." The Solar Jewel on the Vision's forehead absorbs ambient solar energy to provide the needed power for him to function, and he is also capable of discharging this energy as optic beams; with this, he can fire beams of infrared and microwave radiation.

    The Vision also possesses the ability to manipulate his density, which at its lowest allows flight and a ghostly, phasing intangibility, and at its heaviest provides superhuman strength, immovability, and a diamond-hard near invulnerability.

    Being an android of sorts, the Vision possesses multiple superhuman senses as well as superhuman stamina, reflexes, speed, agility, and strength. The Vision was trained in unarmed combat by Captain America, and is an expert in the combat use of his superhuman powers. The Vision is an expert on his own construction and repair, and is a highly skilled tactician and strategist.


    Doug Jones as Vision
    Doug Jones is actually quite the no-brained pick for the role. Doug Jones took on the role of Silver Surfer in the Fantastic Four sequel and Abe Serpent in Hellboy. Since Vision is a android that will most likely be brought to life with a similar look and feel of both those characters, who better to play him than they guy that brought the Surfer and the Serpent to life!

    Liam Neeson or Lawerence Fishbourne can provide the voice for Vision. As you will need a very distinctive powerful yet wise tone for the character. Needless to say that these two men, fit the bill perfectly, or at least their voices do.

    Clark Gregg as Vision, Fan Made
    Well we all know that Agent Coulson, played by Clark Greggin Avengers is dead. But there have been fans that are hoping to see the character return.
    I for one think that could under mind his death, as essentially Coulson will always be remembered as the  catalyst that brought the team together.

    Although bringing him back as Vision, a legendary Avenger, is actually a very cool way to bring Coulson back. But what people forget is that if Coulson is brought back as this android Vision, his not going to be the same Agent we came to love from all these Marvel films. There will be a bit of tragedy in his story, because his humanity will be lost to him.

    "Vision is cool," Gregg explains, "But I would hate to be any A.I. life form. If I got to come back, I would need to still be somebody who could wisecrack, because my favorite part of the job was that if anybody was going to tease anybody about their diva superhero outfit or whatever, it would be me."

    That's what Gregg said on the matter putting the nail in the coffin, for this theory, as it's quite clear Gregg doesn't want to be brought back as Vision.

    It's an interesting idea, but let's just go with Doug Jones for the role, and stick with the Vision we know and love!!
    Vin Diesel as Vision

    Vin Diesel, yep Vin Diesel… he might not be our choice for Vision, but after the actor had Vision as his profile pic (He normally uses this to send his fans a message), its believed by many that Diesel could actually play Vision in Avengers 2, or maybe he met with Marvel execs to discuss this at least.

    Fan Made
    Personally, Diesel could be the perfect Drax the Destroyer (One of the Guardians of the Galaxy), but this is kinda an intriguing choice for Vision if he really does end up playing him.

    Diesel certainly as a distinct powerful voice, but the perfect voice to play an android?? I would have to say no. But who knows, Diesel might just add an extra layer to a character that is incredibly iconic.

    But before you go off on a tangent on how ridiculous this is, just remember that Vin did lend his voice to the Iron Giant, and as a self process nerd, maybe Vin could definitely pull off a different kind of Vision. It might not exactly be Vision as we know in the comics, just as RDJ as Iron Man or Chris Hemsworth as Thor might not be 100% the same as the comics, but might be the perfect direction to take the android for his feature film debut, and it will certainly help Diesel play a totally different kind of character to lets say, Riddick and Dominique!

    One thing is for sure though, Marvel never get it wrong when it comes to casting and we sure that if Diesel does in fact end up playing Vision, it would be because Marvel screen tested him, they loved what they saw, and probably think we would love it as well. Or it could just be that he is a fan of Vision and just likes the character, either way, I just thought it might be worth mentioning.


    Wednesday, August 22, 2012

    MOON KNIGHT (Character Profile and Cast Picks)


    Matthew Fox, Moon Knight and Joel Edgerton
    Bring on the Moon Knight! He might not be one of Marvel's biggest characters , but he certainly is one of the most intriguing.

    Moon Knight
    Marc Spector spends time training to be a heavyweight boxer, a U.S. Marine, and a mercenary. He becomes a skilled combatant and befriends the French pilot Jean-Paul DuChamp, whom he calls "Frenchie."

    While the pair work for the African mercenary Raoul Bushman in Egypt, the group stumbles upon an archaeological dig whose crew includes Dr. Peter Alraune and his daughter Marlene. The dig had uncovered an ancient temple where artifacts included a statue of the Egyptian moon god Khonshu. Intent on looting the dig, Bushman kills Dr. Alraune. In response to Alraune's murder, Spector challenges Bushman to personal combat but is beaten nearly to death and left to die in the sub-zero temperatures of the desert night.

    Roaming Egyptians who worship the ancient Egyptian gods find Spector and carry him to their temple. Helpless before the statue of Khonshu, Spector's heart stops. Khonshu appears to him in a vision, offering Spector a second chance at life if he becomes the god's avatar on Earth. Spector awakens, wraps himself with the silver shroud that covers Khonshu's statue, and again confronts Bushman. 

    Moon Knight and Khonshu
    He defeats Bushman and returns to America with Marlene Alraune, Frenchie, and the statue of Khonshu. Deciding to become a crimefighter, Spector creates a silver cloaked costume, based on the silver shroud, and becomes the Moon Knight.

    After his return to the United States, Spector invests the money that he had accumulated as a mercenary and develops a small fortune. To distance himself from his mercenary past he creates the identity of millionaire entrepreneur Steven Grant, using this identity to purchase a spacious estate. To remain in contact with the street and criminal element he also creates the identity of taxicab driver Jake Lockley. As Lockley, he has acquired civilian allies such as Bertrand Crawley and Gena Landers and her sons.

    Now what's interesting with Moon Knight is that clearly his insane! He is a crazy! His four persona's that he has (Mar Spector, Jake Lockey, Steven Grant and Moon Knight) are not just personality he develops to use as covers, but they are actually part of him, extensions of him; each one being separate from another.

    Marc Spector has become an expert at hand-to-hand combat techniques and various martial arts. He employs a variety of weapons over the course of his career, including throwing darts, nunchaku, and a truncheon. He is skilled with most weapons, and an expert with throwing weapons.

    He might have some similarities to Batman, but he is insane and Batman isn't. Spector believes in the philosophy of Vengeance while Batman seeks Vengeance for the murder of his family.


    Joel Edgerton as Moon Knight
    Joel Edgerton profile has been raised these last couple of years, with numerous of brilliant performances Edgerton is quickly becoming a Star.

    The role of Moon Knight will fit him well, with Edgerton playing the all four persona's straight. Not so much as showing Spector as insane, but rather showing each personality, almost as 4 different characters.

    Matthew Fox as Moon Knight
    Matthew Fox is certainly our number one choice for role. After seeing the first pics and trailer that came out for the film Alex Cross, the intensity that Fox is brining to that role is simply mesmerizing. He simply looks to be the best thing about that film. And we think, while Edgerton is perfect for playing Spector straight, Fox can bring out the demons that fill Spector's mind.

    Fox shown that he has what it takes, both in physical and mental aspects required for the role, he would make for one interesting Moon Knight. Shifting from the rich flamboyant millionaire Steven Grant, then switch to the modest cab driver Jake Lockey before reverting to the sadistic Moon Knight!